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NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N (Liquid Urea) contains 3 Forms of Liquid Nitrogen: Nitrate (NO3), Ammonium (NH4), and Amide* (NH2). Nitrate (NO3) provides instant action whereas Ammonium (NH4) binds with the soil and is slowly releases nitrate by nitrification and Amide* (NH2) as a result of the activity of soil microorganisms first convert into ammonium form and then into nitrate form by nitrification process. The Nanolizer technology based components in Liquid Urea N 32% are readily available to plants and it is rapidly absorbed. Thereby, NURTURKIND UAN 32% N ensures the sustained release of Nitrogen and minimizes loses of Nitrogen due to denitrification, volatilization, and leaching, when compared to regular Urea.

  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N reduces leaching thereby resulting in Low acidification of Soil.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N reaches safely and instantly into the plants and prevents Nitrogen loss by Nitrification due to exposure to air and sunlight.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N is the best liquid urea formulation as it is uniquely blended Nitrogen forms. It is highly compatible with many Phosphorous & Potassium fertilizers and agrochemicals.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N has bio available Nitrogen and has best sustained Nitrogen throughout the crop stages.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N helps in reducing labour time.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N provides Higher Nutrient use Efficiency (NUE), increases yield, and is environmental friendly.
  • NURTURKIND Urea Ammonium Nitrate 32% N can be used as foliar and fertigation.
Paddy Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Sugarcane Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Soybean Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Cotton Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Tomato Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Chilli Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Grapes Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Pomegranate Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Mango Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Onion Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
Potato Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) and increases yield. 500 ml/acre (Foliar Spray)1000 ml/acre (Drip Irrigation)
500 ml
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