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Problems Faced By Farmers

The Major constraints in tomato production for farmers are lack of effective irrigation systems, Incidence of pests and diseases and Lack of knowledge of chemical management and thus they always end up with low quality and insufficient quantity.

Pest or disease

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Pest or disease

Plant Health

Recommended Products

Being a long duration multi picking crop, Tomato needs continuous nutrition supplementation in whose absence the quality and quantity of the yield may decrease. JU has a complete range of products which ensures that the crop receives the vital nutrients at every critical crop growth stage and remains strong enough to ward off abiotic stresses.

Pest or disease

Fruit Borer

Recommended Products

Being a long duration multi picking crop, Tomato needs continuous nutrition supplementation in whose absence the quality and quantity of the yield may decrease. JU has a complete range of products which ensures that the crop receives the vital nutrients at every critical crop growth stage and remains strong enough to ward off abiotic stresses.

Pest or disease


Recommended Products

Being a long duration multi picking crop, Tomato needs continuous nutrition supplementation in whose absence the quality and quantity of the yield may decrease. JU has a complete range of products which ensures that the crop receives the vital nutrients at every critical crop growth stage and remains strong enough to ward off abiotic stresses.

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